• This Is An Invitation To .

    rooted renewal ceremonies & retreats

Kambo Deep Cleanse Ceremony ...

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2023 | 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Wagou Healing House | Champlin, MN
(address disclosed upon registration)

Hosted by: Lois Duncan & Will Bombardier
Facilitator: Christy LeCuyer


Kambo is a non-hallucinogenic medicinal substance obtained from the secretions of the Phyllomedusa Bicolor, commonly known as the giant waxy-monkey tree frog. Often dubbed the "vaccine of the forest," Kambo serves as one of the most potent natural antibiotics known to humankind. It rejuvenates the body's innate healing mechanisms at the cellular level and acts as a powerful detoxifier.

Kambo: Safe, Legal, and Profoundly Transformative!

Whether you're seeking physical detoxification or psycho-spiritual healing, Kambo offers a holistic reset of your immune system. Post-ceremony, participants frequently report significant shifts in energy, ranging from physical rejuvenation to emotional well-being, and even relief from chronic conditions. Kambo's secretion is rich in approximately 120 bioactive peptides, showing promising results for a variety of conditions including cancer, HIV, strokes, Lyme disease, and more.

Kambo's Multifaceted Benefits:

Kambo works in harmony with the body's amino acids and proteins, aiding in navigating life's complexities. It has been utilized by indigenous tribes for generations to enhance well-being, boost vitality, and heighten senses. Kambo's growing popularity is attributed to its efficacy in supporting a range of conditions, from autoimmune diseases to depression.

Per tradition, we will be serving Rapé and Sananga - included in the price.

Additional Offerings:

What is Rapé?
Rapé (pronounced "ha-peh") is a sacred Amazonian snuff made from a blend of various plants, including tobacco. Administered through the nostrils, Rapé is often used for grounding, clearing mental fog, and spiritual cleansing.

Benefits of Rapé:

- Enhances focus and clarity
- Promotes deep grounding
- Clears emotional and energetic blockages

What is Sananga?
Sananga is a powerful eye drop medicine made from the roots of the Tabernaemontana undulata shrub. It is traditionally used to sharpen vision, both literally and metaphorically.

Benefits of Sananga:

- Improves physical and spiritual vision
- Clears negative energies
- Enhances perception and awareness

  • Rapé only $25
  • Sananga only $25
  • Rapé + Sananga (no Kambo) $45

Arrive at the Kambo Ceremony with an empty stomach and minimal fluid intake. You'll be guided to consume about 1.5 liters of room-temperature water before the medicine is administered. Small burns will be made on your skin using a specialized Amazonian wooden stick, allowing for quick absorption of the medicine. This part is swift and minimally painful.

Once applied, you'll experience a surge of energy, increased heart rate, and a warm sensation throughout your body. After a few minutes, the purging process begins, helping you eliminate toxins and negative energy. You'll be encouraged to continue drinking water during this phase.

The purging lasts about 15-20 minutes and may involve bathroom visits or oral expulsion. Afterward, you'll have time to rest and many report feeling invigorated and clear-minded.

Both Rapé and Sananga are administered in a ceremonial context, and participants should be in a calm and meditative state for best results.


- Consult your practitioner about any medications you're on.
- Avoid meat and dairy 24 hours prior; fish and eggs are acceptable.
- Minimize consumption of fried foods, sugar, and gluten.
- Abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs (marijuana is an exception).

Eat light and healthy foods like vegetables, rice, and fish the night before. On the day of the ceremony, refrain from eating or drinking, except for small sips of water a minimum of 4 hours before ceremony.


Please bring anything else you need to be comfortable like a water bottle, cushions, blankets, pillows. Dress comfortably and in layers as we will be outside for part of the ceremony to connect with nature. Loose flowey non-restrictive clothing like yoga wear works well.

Purified water will be provided along with light snacks for after ceremony. You are welcome (but not required) to bring fruit, dips, or any other healthy foods you enjoy to share.

If you’d like, you may also bring fire wood, candles or flowers for the altar. The option of bringing solely yourself is always welcomed too!



Kambo: Opt for easily digestible foods like soups and juices for the next three days. Bone broth, herbal teas, and lemon water are excellent choices. The burn marks require no special care, but avoid touching or scratching them and keep them free from soap, lotion, and sun exposure. If discomfort arises, dragonsblood will be available to seal the spots.

Rapé: You may feel a heightened sense of clarity and grounding. Drink water and rest as needed.

Sananga: Your eyes may feel sensitive for a short period. It's advisable to rest your eyes and avoid bright lights.

rooted renewal ceremonies & retreats

  • Pregnancy: Not suitable for pregnant women.
  • Heart Conditions: Avoid if you have heart problems or are on heart medications.
  • High Blood Pressure: Not recommended for those with uncontrolled high blood pressure.
  • Mental Health Conditions: Avoid if you have severe mental health issues.
  • Recent Surgeries: Not suitable for those who have had major surgery within the last six weeks.
  • Chemotherapy or Radiation: Avoid if currently undergoing or have recently undergone these treatments.
  • Blood Clotting Disorders: Not recommended for individuals with hemophilia or other clotting disorders.
  • Organ Transplants: Avoid if you have had an organ transplant.
  • Young Children and Elderly: Generally not recommended for those under 18 or over 70.
  • Other Medical Conditions: Consult a healthcare provider if you have autoimmune disorders, liver or kidney diseases, or other serious health conditions.

Please note: If you have received a covid vaccine in the past 6 months consider the timing of the Kambo ceremony in relation to your vaccination. Both Kambo and the vaccine can produce strong immune responses, and it may not be advisable to undergo both close together. interactions between Kambo and mRNA vaccines are not well-studied, and you should proceed with caution. We recommend a minimum of 6 months between and if you are experiencing issues with clotting after the vaccine - a d-dimer test prior to sitting.